For the Family Day 2024, Gruppo Cassoli , which includes CPS Company, Ecocap’s and Nema Automazione, has organized a day of learning and fun for employees and family members. It will be a moment to strengthen the corporate ties and support important social causes.

Sharing, learning, inclusion and fun

Returning on Saturday, June 8th, is the Family Fay organized by Gruppo Cassoli. It’s a special outdoor event dedicated to sharing, learning, inclusion, and fun for employees.

At the Agriturismo Parco della Chiusa – managed by the Cooperativa Sociale COPAPS which, for over 40 years, has been committed to the inclusion of disabled children through opportunities for aggregation, work and training – the activities that will involve all the group’s employees will be focused on sustainable agriculture and social inclusion.

The day will be divided into different moments, designed to offer an engaging and immersive experience. During the morning, in fact, participants will have the opportunity to explore the world of bees through three stations: an educational session, honey extraction and a tasting, with the possibility of creating candles together with the children.

Instead, the courtyard of the farmhouse will host the convivial lunch: from traditional Bolognese specialties to delicious dishes, the menu will surprise with a variety of local specialties, and everyone will be able to share moments of relaxation and leisure.

To conclude, Cassoli Group promises a final surprise for its employees, an additional moment of aggregation designed to strengthen the sense of community and belonging to the company.

The Family Fay promises to be a unique opportunity for Cassoli Group employees, a way to connect with nature, support important social causes and enjoy a day of fun and relaxation together with their families.

The farmhouse

Located in the heart of the lush nature of the Chiusa Park in Casalecchio di Reno, the farmhouse offers a serene and peaceful atmosphere. Its privileged position, a short distance from the city, allows you to explore the wonders of the Bolognese countryside in a relaxed and contemplative way.

Crossed by renowned trekking and cycling routes of the Bolognese Apennines, such as the Via della Lana e della Seta, the Via degli Dei and the Ciclovia del Sole – EuroVelo 7, the Park invites you to completely immerse yourself in nature.

Each guest has the opportunity to live an authentic experience by participating in the company’s agricultural activities, enjoying the local cuisine and relaxing in a comfortable and familiar environment. From the laboratory of carpentry, to the kitchen, to the organic farming, everything reflects the commitment to social inclusion.

The Agriturismo Parco della Chiusa is an Educational Farm that offers workshops and activities focused on environmental and social sustainability, organic agriculture, bees and pollinators, and the plants and animals of the Park.

Very committed to education and awareness, the Agriturismo is not only a place for relaxation, but also a space for learning and sharing knowledge.