According to the Symbola-Comieco report, cellulose-based materials are preferred by companies for their recyclability and ability to enhance and communicate the brand.

Packaging: paper is the protagonist

Paper is the future of packaging. With the approval of the regulation by the European Parliament, a gradual disappearance of plastic packaging is expected: by 2029, they will no longer be used to protect fresh products such as fruit and vegetables, nor to wrap food and drinks consumed in public places. Furthermore, single portions such as condiments and sauces will be prohibited, as will small disposable packages in hotels and ultra-light plastic bags with a thickness of less than 15 microns.

Furthermore, by 2029, Member States will have to ensure that the separate collection of at least 90% of single-use plastic bottles and metal beverage cans is carried out through deposit and return-to-producer systems.

These new provisions affect the plastic industry, while favoring the paper sector. In response, the world of design in our country has already taken action to set up innovative systems in the field of paper and cardboard packaging. This emerges clearly from the sixth DesignEconomy Report, promoted by the Symbola Foundation and Comieco, with the contribution of Deloitte,, ADI (Association for industrial design), AlmaLaurea and CUID (Italian university design conference).

The study

The study highlights how approximately a third of Italian companies in the design sector focus on the creation of packaging. Paper and similar materials are now the main choice for making them (around 53.2%). In the dossier, the companies underline how important the recyclability element of paper and cardboard products is: in 2023, 90% of paper packaging was recycled, exceeding the European Union’s 2030 target by seven years.

A preference linked not only to the ease of recycling (for 41% of those interviewed), but also to the ability to enhance, communicate and best describe a brand (37.1%), allowing new and high stylistic results.

Paper and related materials are widely used in sectors such as communication and multimedia design (15.7%), product design (10.9%) and brand design (14.6%) where packaging plays a role key in expressing a brand’s identity and values ​​to the public. From Symbola’s photography it emerges that there are other sectors focused on the use of paper and cardboard such as space design (11.7%) and digital and interaction design (9.1%). Furthermore, paper is the most used material for temporary displays and signage (23.4%).

The sectors with the greatest opportunities for the development of paper packaging are fast food restaurants, food delivery and take away (69.1%). In this context, ecodesign plays a fundamental role in optimizing the recyclability of paper-based composite materials, used to produce drink containers, glasses, cutlery and plates.